Het Lab van Oxypoint, dat is anders denken!

The Lab

Oxypoint's testing ground for innovation!

In The Lab we try to innovate in the field of respiration.



Oxypoint is een Belgisch bedrijf dat in 2011 werd opgericht door Dirk Borgonjon en Philip Hendrickx als spin-off van de Universiteit Antwerpen. Meer dan 30 ziekenhuizen in België maken reeds gebruik van de innovatieve O2COMFORT zuurstof flowmeter. In 2020 sloot Oxypoint een overeenkomst met Linde, wereldmarktleider in medische gassen, waardoor de Oxypoint O2COMFORT ook beschikbaar werd in 6 Europese landen. Op dit moment staat onze nieuwste innovatie, O2MATE in de startblokken voor klinische tests.


Ontstaan Oxypoint als spin-off van Universiteit Antwerpen


Eerste ziekenhuis maakt gebruik van O2COMFORT


Award: Most promising starter nominee Voka


10 ziekenhuizen gebruiken O2COMFORT
Award: Trends Gazellen 2014


Award: Trends Gazellen 2015


20 ziekenhuizen gebruiken O2COMFORT


Capital series A: 3,8 miljoen kapitaal in financieringsronde PMV


WK Inademen in België vraag aandacht voor zuurstoftherapie


Europees distributiecontract met Linde Group


CE label O2MATE
30 ziekenhuizen gebruiken O2COMFORT


"We challenge ourselves continuously to pinpoint procedures in the medical sector in need of refinement. Every day, we come up with solutions to improve the quality of care".

The Lab is Oxypoint's own testing room, where innovation with an emotional connection takes place.

O2COMFORT disrupts oxygen therapy, that remained unchanged over the past 100 years. It's just as simple as a mechanical tap in the wall of each patient room. Generations of medical and nursing staff were accustomed to the continuous stream of oxygen using a traditional flowmeter. This resulted in unpleasant side effects for the patients and a waste of oxygen.

Oxypoint has transformed that in 2011. As a spin-off of the University of Antwerp, we developed a new method for oxygen therapy. The comfort mode of the Oxypoint O2COMFORT ensures that a dose of oxygen is only administered during inhalation. Nobody inhales continuously, right?

innovatieve zuurstoftherapie met Oxypoint

Innovative added value with an eye for emotional connection.

"Innovation runs through our veins. But what makes Oxypoint truly an odd duck?  The emotional connection with every stakeholder!  Implementing the Oxypoint O2COMFORT flowmeter in hospitals requires behavioural change. That's why we developed the 'oxygen for the team' trajectory, a combination of training and team building. The game element increases the interaction and the positive energy. This makes the essence (how to use oxygen meter correctly) linger! " Philip Hendrickx



cleaning instructions

O2MATE: our latest innovation

Our latest innovation, the Oxypoint O2MATE, registers the patient's breathing. This data is automatically linked to other vital parameters. Through smart data analysis, the medical professional can use a software platform to monitor the patient even better. We are currently still working on improving the prototype. The next step is to set up research projects in hospitals and involve some user testing. We are looking forward to launch that product.

Discover the smart patient companion!


Interested, questions or want to have an inspiring conversation about MedTech?

Contact us! 

Oxypoint R&D

Niels Pintens



This is the Lab, the testing ground of Oxypoint, where innovation with an emotional touch are deeply connected. 

Discover the latest Lab developments! 




O2MATE smart patient campanion

Ziekenhuizen gezocht voor onderzoekstraject O2MATE

Onze nieuwste innovatie O2MATE is klaar om nu in een ziekenhuisomgeving getest te worden. Gaat jouw ziekenhuis al actief met data aan de slag? Wil je ontdekken wat digitale registratie van de ademhaling kan betekenen voor de opvolging van patiënten? Vraag een demo aan en stel je kandidaat voor het onderzoekstraject.